I give my consent to therapy assessment and treatment. I understand that all treatment options will be discussed and explained and their use will be my choice. By attending an appointment I understand that I am consenting to the treatment that I receive at that appointment.
​I consent to all the applicable data protection boxes I have ticked within this form.
​I consent to the applicable Gift Aid boxes ticked within this form.​
If I wish not to receive treatment as offered, I will make this clear to the therapist so that a note can be kept in my records.
​I am aware that therapy may not benefit everyone and that it is not possible to know in advance if I will benefit.
​I agree to observe rules/protocols for therapy, the use of equipment and general use of the Centre, including for health and safety and efficiency.
​I agree to advise the centre if there are any changes in my medical condition.
​I understand that in order to provide appropriate care, it may be necessary for the therapist to contact other health care professionals such as my GP or specialist nurse, or to liaise with other therapists and staff at the Centre.
​I acknowledge that the Centre accepts no liability for any injury caused by the use of any equipment, activity or therapy, other than in respect of injury resulting from the negligence of the Centre, or its employees and volunteers acting in the course of their duties for the Centre.
​I give my consent for my personal data to be held securely at the Centre in line with General Data Protection Regulations.
​I will respect the confidentiality and privacy of staff and other members.
​I agree to become a member of the Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre South West Ltd and hereby guarantee to pay a sum not exceeding £1 in the event of the company being wound up.