Physiotherapy is available to our members with any condition. See the membership page for full details on how to apply. In all cases, please book via Reception for any of the sessions listed below.
Our Physiotherapists work with people to assess physical difficulties and help improve movement and other functions of the body. They can help you find exercises that meet your specific needs and abilities. Therapy may concentrate on a particular area of the body, or help you manage a specific symptom. ​Physiotherapy has a vital role to play in helping people to cope with the daily challenge of living with MS, including:
Learning to control and co-ordinate movement patterns
Reducing spasticity and encouraging more normal movements
Regaining functional abilities
Physiotherapy is often recommended when there is a specific problem or ongoing symptoms that affect day-to-day activities, mobility and independence. It can help whatever your level of disability, but can be particularly valuable when physical symptoms progress or you are recovering from a relapse.
If your condition is affecting the sports or activities you are able to do, our physiotherapists might suggest new ways to stay fit, or ways to adapt your preferred exercises to suit your situation. They can also suggest particular exercises to treat and manage specific problems such as difficulties with mobility, balance, posture and fatigue. Bladder problems, pain, muscle spasms and stiffness can also be targeted by physiotherapy.
We subsidise the following specialist therapies for our members with MS, but they are also available to anyone with a neurological condition:
One-to-One Physiotherapy
Our physiotherapists are able to work with you to maximise your movement and function using a range of exercises to improve strength, stiffness, fatigue, fitness and balance. Sessions are tailored to meet your individual needs.
45-minute appointments are available with:
- Ali on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 10am and 4pm
- Maxine on Thursdays between 9am and 3pm
Please contact us to arrange your initial one-to-one session.
£40 for MS Members (subsidised by the charity)
£50 for non-MS members
Group Exercise
We also offer group sessions in strength, balance and fitness led by our physiotherapist team.
Before you join a group session, you will need to book an initial assessment with our neuro-physio, Maxine, so we can develop an individual exercise plan for you.
Monday: 10am-11am / 11am-12pm with Ali
Thursday: 12.30pm with Maxine
Friday: 10am-11am / 11am-12pm / 12.15pm-1.15pm with Jo
£10 per session, and is usually followed by an opportunity to chat over a cuppa and cake!​
Open Gym
Available to Members who have an exercise programme designed by our neuro-physiotherapists. If you would like to join any of these volunteer-supported sessions, please book via Reception.
Do take advantage of this great opportunity to maximise your time in the gym! Come for as long or as little per session
If you don't yet have a programme from our physio, please contact us to arrange for an initial assessment. ​​
Open Gym Sessions run on:
Mondays 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Wednesdays 10.30am - 12.00pm
£5 per session
Balance & Stability Classes
Mondays at 12.00pm
Tuesdays at 2.00pm
​Suitable for
Transition on and off the floor
Sit-to-stand from chair without arms
Exercise 45-50 minutes
​Low to moderate exercise, building balance confidence & strength
£10 per session
Seated Yoga
Thursdays at 11.45am
Suitable for
exercise in a sitting position on a chair
exercise for 45 minutes
cool down at end
Low intensity, aimed at improving balance, strength and coordination
​​​£10 per session
Neuro-Pilates for Beginners
Tuesdays 12.00pm and 1.00pm
Wednesdays 1.30pm
Suitable for beginners
A welcoming space designed to strengthen your core, enhance your flexibility, and improve overall well-being through a series of gentle and effective exercises.
Ali’s class is crafted to cater to all abilities and conditions.
£10 per session
Power FIIT
Thursdays at 12.45pm
(Functional Intermediate Intensity Training)
Suitable for
those who can become a little breathless without distress
Lift one leg onto a step (seated, without hands)
Exercise 30-40 minutes​
£10 per session
Intermediate Neuro-Pilates
Wednesdays at 12:15pm
Suitable for progression from the Beginners' Pilates​​​
exercise in a sitting position on a chair
exercise for 45 minutes
cool down at end
Low intensity, aimed at improving balance, strength and coordination
​​​£10 per session​